Children can be very worrying the way they choose to sleep. Some simply collapse when they go to bed, others thrash around and you would think they get no benefit from sleep whatever. Sometimes the reason for this can be extreme exhaustion, worry over studies or other reasons. But sometimes it may be simply due to the coverings that are used.
Up to the age of about 10, children have very little control over their internal heating and cooling systems. They also cannot understand properly what there is about the doona or quilt that is subconsciously annoying them and interrupting their sleep. These are the kids who wake up with snuffles, small welts or general unwellness.
So maybe the quilt or doona is causing some allergies. Studies have shown that, as we use more and more man-made fillings and coverings, the levels of general allergies are rising. In the not-so-far-back days, quilts and their covers were made of natural fabrics and fillings and few had problems with them. Of course they were much heavier and hard to really do much with, which was a deterrent to cleaning them very often. However, usually once a week, someone dragged them outside, put them over the clothesline and left the sun to clean them. Today’s items are not really made to take this type of treatment often, if at all.
However, you can do something to stop this predilection to allergies. Check the label on the doona, quilt or their coverings. If they are totally man-made, ignore them and go for something less threatening, such as wool or cotton. Check out the range of natural quilts and doona covers at: ; for ideas.
You can still obtain feather quilts such as your great-grandmother used on her bed, but they do mean extra work and care, as well as being more expensive. People may not feel at ease with the fact birds are killed for their feathers either. These quilts are low-allergenic, will draw moisture from the body, keeping it dry, and provide warmth. They are also very light.
Or you can go for a very natural product in wool. This is also moisture-trapping, light and warm. Wool is amongst the least allergenic materials you can use anywhere. Wool is light, absorbent and will trap your own body heat back against you, reducing the need for bulk. Dry cleaning natural fibres every 3 -4 years is about all they need to keep them cared for.
Also be careful what you wash your doona or quilt covers in. Some detergents are heavy with chemicals
to keep your clothes softer, make them cleaner or to protect the dyes in the fabric. Down quilts do not need washing often, but they are probably better served by being dry cleaned.
So, if you want your child to sleep well and not develop allergies, keep your bed linen for your children
made out of as natural materials as possible. Natural materials also will save time by not needing frequent washing. Indeed they can simply be thrown over the clothesline once a week to air and give them some sunlight. ; has some beautiful natural material bed covers and quilts or doonas. Check them out. The quilts and doonas will fit both kids’ beds and adults beds.